The What if the Church Resource Drive in Raytown on May 2 was peaceful, successful and a quality event. Carmen Kraus, Connection Point Church, said, “I enjoyed being a part of the BIG C church of KC and seeing community members from various churches, businesses and other groups come together for the needs of our community.”
The leadership and organization of What if the Church was well organized, which made the implementation of the day successful. The volunteers, who wore their masks and practiced social distancing, worked hard from 9:00-noon receiving donations and loading the truck. The community turned out in great numbers to support their neighbors; some even came through twice to donate goods.
At the Connection Point Church Raytown location, approximately $2000 worth of food and other needed supplies were collected. Servpro of Raytown/East Kansas City donated the use of their box truck to put the items in and then transported them to the Raytown United Food Ministry pantry located at Seed of Faith International. Thank you to Timmy Hensel with Raytown United Food Ministry, Porsche Seals with Caring for Kids, Michele Workman with Hope Network of Raytown, and Connection Point Church for partnering together to make the resource collection in Raytown a success. These partnerships made during this time will continue in the months ahead as we find ways to love on our community.
For more information on how to donate funds or supplies or if you are in need of resources, please visit the Raytown School District website to find various opportunities: