Step 1 - Engage
We begin by asking leadership how community partners can help schools achieve their goals. The leadership team identifies schools needing partners and existing programs. The Caring for Kids Network team plans envisioning events to engage potential faith, business, civic, and non-profit partners with the identified schools. We create a unique menu of school initiatives to share with potential partners. Our team also meets with the principals of the schools desiring partners.
Step 2 - Connect
The Kickoff Event brings all partners together with the principals to get to know each other and identify the school’s top needs. It all begins with the question, “How can we help?” This event sets the stage for ongoing collaboration throughout the year.
Step 3 - Empower
Once the needs are identified, a simple action plan is created to bring partner resources to help meet needs. Implementation of the plan connects partners to existing school programs and also allows for innovative ideas to meet needs with partner resources. Partners meet with the principal and each other regularly to monitor progress and build relationships.
Step 4 - Coach
Our goal is to build truly sustainable, transformative partnerships that will be impactful long-term. When partners work together, it accelerates the impact. Ongoing feedback, evaluation, and celebration are all part of sustainable partnerships. Caring for Kids Network offers tools, ongoing coaching, and special events to make this happen.