Nearly 70 career professionals, including four Caring for Kids community partners, presented at Center Middle School’s Career Day March 4. The morning was divided into 20-minute sessions, where each speaker discussed their career, education requirements, and services provided by their business or organization. Many provided small giveaways or snacks to the students as well. The presentations helped students dream big about their future and gave them time to ask questions and learn more about opportunities to explore. Caring for Kids presenters included First Call, Client Centric Group, First Priority KC, and Hendrick BMW of South Kansas City.  Dr. Jarius Jones, principal, also shared with all of the presenters about the Caring for Kids partnership, several of whom joined the partnership the following week to assist CMS students and staff. “Our scholars heard the passion of the speakers and were intrigued by what they were hearing and learning,” said Dr. Jones. “They asked great questions of the presenters and the day really made a difference to each of them.”

The following day, three Caring for Kids partners presented information about their services at Center High School’s monthly Parent University. Robert Mitchell with Edward Jones discussed financial planning to help parents save and prepare for college expenses. Rusty Menaugh presented on behalf of First Call regarding substance abuse awareness and prevention services. Lynnette Williams spoke about Women’s Employment Network’s services and workshops to help women gain employment. Parents enjoyed the opportunity to ask questions during the follow-up Q&A.